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Jismoniy madaniyat va sport kafedrasi

  11.02.2025    |     43

Kafedra mudiri: Azizov Sobitxon Valiyevich

Email: azizovsobithon56@gmail.com

Telegram: @azizovsobithon

Graduated higher educational institution

State Institute of Physical Education of Uzbekistan (full-time education)


Physical education

Having advanced qualifications in foreign countries


Candidate of Science /PhD/ Dissertation topic

The activity of the group leader in shaping self-identity in students of vocational and technical educational institution

Doctor of Science /DSc/ Dissertation topic

The activity of the group leader in shaping self-identity in students of vocational and technical educational institution

Direction of scientific research

13.00.01. Theory and history of pedagogy.

Scientific leadership

More than 20 bachelors, more than 10 masters, 3 PhD supervisors

Published articles


Participation in a scientific project (grant).

(DITD-2), F-7-19 "Molecular mass and physicochemical properties of native polysaccharides and polycomplexes based on them"

h index


Educational subject

Methodology of teaching sports

Educational and methodological work

Methodology of handball goalkeeper training. Educational manual. 2008.

Activities in public affairs

Member of the group promoting a healthy lifestyle among teachers and students of the Namangan State Pedagogical Institute

State awards -

General information about the department of physical culture and sports

Name of the department: Physical culture and sports
Start of activity: from April 1, 2024
Head of the department: Sobitkhon Valievich Azizov, candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent

Professors and teachers of the department: 9 people in the main staff
Scientific competence of the department: 9/2 22.2%
Owned by the department
directions: 60112200 - Physical culture